Friday, April 18, 2008

Johann Gerhard Quote of the Day

"There is a false delusion of believers that must also be convicted by the Holy Spirit. For you see, many hold the opinion that faith in Christ may indeed compatibly exist side by side with sins against conscience. [They think], just as long as they simply boast of their faith with their mouth it's not going to hurt, even though they simultaneously enter into deliberate sins. However, that is merely a false image of faith - a dead faith. So then, the Holy Spirit convicts and teaches that a true, upright, saving faith cleanses the heart. Such a faith brings forth fruits of the Spirit, while also subduing the lusts of the flesh. Such a faith brings forth fruits of the Spirit, while also subduing the lusts of the flesh. In this way, Christ says the Holy Spirit will teach the world in regard to righteousness...."

Cantate Sermon: John 16:5-15, Postilla

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