Wednesday, May 7, 2014

On Tribulation and Christ - J. Gerhard for Laudate Sunday

... We are made like unto Christ through tribulation, as He also here states: He is going to the Father, i.e., with His glory, which took place by His tribulation and suffering (Luke 24:26,46). Thus we must follow Him upon the way of cross and tribulation.  How could it make any sense if Christ had to hang on the cross and you wanted to constantly live in happiness? Would you be wanting to have your Paradise in this life, even though Christ had to suffer so much adversity here? Certainly not! Instead, let it be dear to you that you are made like unto Christ through tribulation.  If He sanctified our Baptism by His Baptism, then He also has sanctified our cross and tribulation with His cross and tribulation. That's why the true believers' suffering and adversity is called a cross, because they bear it after the crucified Christ - just as Simon of Cyrene did in Mat. 27:32. Confidently follow after; Christ is carrying the heaviest portion.

Johann Gerhard. "For the Third Sunday after Easter (Laudate) - St John 16:16-23." Postilla, vol. 1. trans. Rev Dr. Elmer M Hohle. The Center for the Study of Lutheran Orthodoxy, Malone, TX:2001, pgs 389-390.

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