Friday, April 25, 2014

In Honor of Church Musicians - John Posey, organist

I write this on the occasion of John Posey’s last Sunday among us as organist.  God has served us well through him. And I pray that as he has been blessed to have known us, served us and heard the Gospel proclaimed among us, that he continue in God’s favor.
Finding a church musician that appreciates the Church’s music is difficult these days. This congregation has been blessed with talented and faithful organists, even long-tenured organists.  Let us pray that God would send us another good one soon.
The Rev. Dr. Martin Luther was a musician and organist too.  Luther highly praised music, saying,
Next to the Word of God, the noble art of music is the greatest treasure in the world! The riches of music are so excellent and so precious that words fail me whenever I attempt to discuss and describe them.

The Church’s musicians cannot be praised enough.  They intone the Word of God. They produce melodies that ascend in praise to our good and gracious Father. They sing of the crucified and resurrected Jesus. Their gifts of melody and rhyme give the Church a sacrificial voice of praise and adoration.
Hear some of the ancient voices sing and make music:
I will sing to the Lord, for He has triumphed gloriously; the horse and rider He has thrown into the sea. (Exodus 15:1, 21 – Moses, Israel, and Miriam)
The Lord will vindicate His people and have compassion on His servants. (Deuteronomy 32:36 – Moses) 
The Lord God is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation.” (Isaiah 12:1 – Isaiah)

My heart exults in the Lord; I rejoice in Your salvation. (1 Samuel 2:1 – Hannah)

My soul rejoices, my spirit voices – Sing to the greatness of the Lord! (Luke 1:46 – Mary)

Lord, bid your servant go in peace, Your Word has been fulfilled (Luke 2:29 – Simeon)

We praise you and acknowledge You, O God, to be the Lord (Rev. 7:9 –  Multitude before the throne of God)

Kyrie eleison! Lord have mercy! (Luke 17:13 -  Lepers)

All glory be to God on high (Luke 2:14 – angels)

Splendor and honor, majesty and power are Yours, O Lord God, fount of every blessing. Rev. 4:11 – 24 Elders before the throne of God)

The Church’s song will continue with substitute organists and eventually, a new organist at Trinity-Darmstadt. Other musicians, instrumentalists, vocalist and hymn-writers will continue to bring Christian songs as well.  Then, and until then, the Lord will open our lips to declare His praise.

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