Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Authentic Worship

IN the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Authentic worship starts when God is ready to begin.

Worshipping in Spirit and Truth happens where the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is named. Where the Trinity desires to be worshipped there will be angels, archangels, the whole company of heaven, the baptized, and especially sinners. God is worshipped without end.

God begins. He initiates. He is the Doer. He is gracious. Always more ready to open my lips to declare His praise than I am willing.

My sacrifice of praise is in Christ alone. Had the Spirit not called me by the Gospel, I wouldn't know God. My life as a sinner is only and always proud and boastful. My praise can only be His praise in and through me. He loosens my muted tongue and unstops my ears. He makes me a new creature of praise that is steeped in high doxology. Unless the Son authenticates my praise His Father won't receive it. The only Way my praise has to reach the Father is through the Son. The Son has revealed Himself to me in His holy cross. There is the one I desire to worship. His holy body nourishes me. His Holy blood is the medicine of immortality; it quenches my deepest thirst.

Gloria in Excelsis.
Holy Gospel.
Words of Institution.
Agnus Dei.

So that we may obtain this faith, the ministry of teaching the Gospel and administering the Sacraments was instituted.
Augsburg Confession V