Saturday, April 5, 2014

Higher Things: an LCMS Youth Organization

LMAC Monthly Newsletter
by Pastor Steve Kieser

Everybody is into a contemporary phenomenon called, “youth ministry.” The assumption is that people who are chronologically situated in a period of life often called “growing up” have unique physical, psychological, and spiritual needs that are best met in specific ways. Wow. That was a loaded sentence. And if I’m wrong about that… I’m not surprised. Youth often feel misunderstood. And people who “do” youth ministry often have divergent opinions about what is “effective” youth ministry.

An LCMS youth organization known as Higher Things ( approaches today’s youth this way: Youth need the Gospel. Youth need Jesus. Interestingly, that’s also what people in other “life stages” need. Let’s just say it this way: sinners need Jesus. Oh sure, the particular sins of youth may be unique. Even so, the single cross of Christ includes your unique, individual and personalized sins even as it atones for all sins. Baptism personalizes your inclusion in the universal death, burial and resurrection of Christ. What God’s Word with water individualizes the sinner to be as a saint it also unites into one fellowship of sinner-saints eating and drinking the body and blood of Jesus. The Holy Spirit calls, gathers and enlightens infants, toddlers, tweeners, teens, Gen X Y or Z, millennials, empty-nesters, old fogies, me (or pick your favorite self-classification) into one holy communion. The way God includes individuals into His Church and keeps them there does not change with the onset of potty-training, losing teeth, pimples, graduation, parenting, or grey hair. God’s holy inclusivity happens in His doing of His Word and His Sacraments. What the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod holds fast to so does Higher Things.

A Higher Things youth gathering will include the ever-contemporary and historic liturgy and hymns of the Church; Bible study and doctrinal lessons; and much fun, food, friends and just plain ol’ rockin’ good times. That’s Lutheranism. And Higher Things dares to be Lutheran.

A Higher Things 5th – 8th grade youth retreat is being planned for November 7-8, 2014 at Trinity-Darmstadt and sponsored in part by the Lutheran Mission Action Council (LMAC).